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E-COmmunity & E-COllaboration

Recent world events have pronounced the importance of housing, as well as the sense of feeling at home - the physical, mental and spiritual well-being - the awakening to dialogue with our surroundings, especially the natural environment. These concerns drive our movement to break with the traditional proposals of urban life, adapting to the multiple and contemporary society that seeks innovation and possibilities, and that is willing to change to a healthy lifestyle - for both people and the planet.

eVillages completely moves away from traditional urban dwellings - which are stagnant, obsolete, furthermore dissociated from their own environment and nature - they no longer correspond to the requirements of contemporary life. Our e-cohouses are organic, adapting to your ways of living, not the other way around. We decide to create a standard of living from which you do not feel the need to occasionally escape from to feel good, we promote that your e-home is your haven. We propose a paradigm break based on e-community life after the e-cological and digital revolution, through e-nergetic efficiency and the regeneration of urban areas.

We do not count to being only an innovative real estate project, we propose the creation of a conscious standard of living along with all facets of contemporary life, generating economic, social and territorial cohesion. We believe in participatory sustainability, our e-cohousing are designed not only as homes, but we also prepare active e-communities and contributors to help design a better world. Therefore, we organize leisure activities and environmental education that allow us to build bridges, generating compliance and the feeling of belonging between our residents and the ecosystem.

We designed a multifunctional e-cological complex of over 6000m2 that makes it possible to carry out diversified actions in our flexible healthy environments - in and outdoors, private and communal - providing enough space to the most varied demands, be it for work, sports or leisure: coworking café, communal kitchen and laundry, bike room and repair shop, physical activity studios with changing rooms, natural pool and solarium. Our edible gardens and orchards contain only native and organic species, they are maintained by our own e-community, reinforcing the importance of permaculture to take care of our planet.

Thanks to our smart app, we enable all members to be connected to events in the e-community whenever they want, whether to book a pilates class, spots in our e-car-sharing or learning about gardening techniques and energy saving. We firmly believe that e-collaboration between agents and communities, as well as their recognition, points us towards a sustainable future lying in abundance, so that societies may develop with all their versatility within the limits of nature.

We advocate that together we can help the world regenerate itself through the e-cological transition, green energy, complicity and awareness. We defend that all good deeds for society and the environment are rewarded, enabling an upcoming and harmonious future. Until we convert to living altruistically and lovingly as the ' new normal ', our global problems will remain, as we find ourselves leading lives completely disconnected from our e-cosystem. Our e-community essentially translates into space for exchange and growth in which we are all learning to coexist, live in collaboration from a place of connection, respect and humility with nature.

We stand that pursuing and building a 'new normal' through our e-communities will successfully co-create it. We promote an authentic, connected and regenerating way of life - instead of waiting for societies to become aware and catch up, eVillages builds it. We are aware of all the varied challenges that lie ahead, however, we believe that our project means much more than personal fulfilment - it is a promise and a legacy that we leave to the future. generations. From becoming an e-partner, together we can catalyze the power of the e-community for a regenerative future. We invite everyone to get involved in our project.

Join us in designing your own e-community!

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